Williams’ Law 9 Teach it, preach it, and audit to it! Prepare so that no question should be able to be asked that an operator does not know the answer to. Guerrilla Tactic 9: QMS Documentation Tips To Avoid Audit “Dings” Tip 1: KISS Keep It Simple Steve; the goal is to develop a system […]

Williams’ Law 8 You CAN teach an old dog new tricks. Guerrilla Tactic 8: Learned Behaviors Many of the QMS audit concepts discussed in this blog series may seem unconventional and may not come naturally. That is to be expected, but the good news is that they are easily learned with practice, diligence, and continuous […]

Williams’ Law 7 You can’t manage from your office; if you don’t constantly monitor the pulse on the shop floor it is easy to lose control.   Guerrilla Tactic 7: MBWA My good friend Tom Peters, author of the “Excellence” series of books and one of my favorite management consultants, coined the phrase MBWA (Management […]

A little good news as we head into the holiday season, and a break from all the QMS stuff, continuing with my GBU human interest stories that highlight folks that have made both exceptionally fortuitous decisions, as well as those that will never be inducted into the Good Decision Hall of Fame. I hope you […]

Williams’ Law 6 If an auditor waits longer than 15 seconds for a response, they will wander around and invariably find something you don’t want found. Guerrilla Tactic 6: Train, Train & Train Some More Don’t focus on QMS procedural memorization; key is ability to quickly retrieve information from procedure Certified Operator Program Simple Training […]

Williams’ Law 5 Every time you volunteer something not asked for, you will end up sharing something you don’t want shared.   Guerrilla Tactic 5: QMS Audit Tactical Strategies Don’t volunteer anything! Teach all employees to: Listen to the question Be polite, courteous & helpful But… Answer the question, and only the question!   Teach […]

Williams’ Law 4 Find your own dirty laundry.   Guerrilla Tactic 4: Internal Audit Strategy While a robust Quality Management System (QMS) internal audit system is a bit of a given in a good quality program, there are some strategies that, if employed, will provide a number of intangible benefits during any quality systems audit. […]

Williams’ Law 3 First Impressions Count!!! Guerrilla Tactic 3: QMS Visual Management The Japanese word for visual controls is Andon, and QMS visual management is a key to success in any system. One of the mistakes many organizations make is to cultivate an environment of secrecy when it comes to organizational performance, as if this […]

Williams’ Law 2 When things are fun, things get done! Guerrilla Tactic 2: Make it fun! QMS: Why Make It fun? Fun is free Fun enhances communication & builds relationships Fun makes people want to perform well at work Fun energizes creativity and problem-solving abilities Fun pleases customers, team members, and co-workers Fun makes boring […]

Guerrilla Tactics was chosen as the name of this blog series to reflect a number of nontraditional, take-no-prisoners concepts, techniques and tactics that were born in the quality trenches and will guide any company to a successful audit result. In fact, I would be so bold as to say that if the entirety of these […]