Guerrilla Tactics to Pass any QMS Audit – Tactic 7 MBWA

Williams’ Law 7

You can’t manage from your office; if you don’t constantly monitor the pulse on the shop floor it is easy to lose control.


Guerrilla Tactic 7: MBWA

My good friend Tom Peters, author of the “Excellence” series of books and one of my favorite management consultants, coined the phrase MBWA (Management By Walking Around). This is another of those concepts that seem so obvious, but how many of us actually do this?

This powerful technique applies equally to the leader of a quality management system as it does to a Fortune 500 CEO. This is a rhetorical question, but really, how often do we go out on the shop floor and just observe what is going on? I don’t mean tracking down orders and making sure people are working, but how does the facility look? Do the workers look happy? What are they saying? Are we working smart or overcompensating by working hard? What would I think if I were the customer? You can’t answer these questions sitting in your office!

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Contact me to start our Guerrilla Training before your next audit.

Steve: 920-841-3478