It Won’t Work Here (and Other Myths)

One of the most recurring themes I run into while either teaching or speaking on best practices is the “I know that that won’t work in my company” attitude. The pessimist is always willing to passionately voice their reason(s) that this is true; we are too big, we are too small, our technology is too simple, our technology is too complicated, our employees creaturesofhabitwon’t support it, our management won’t support it, we have tried it before and it didn’t work, this is just another flavor of the month and will fade away like all the others, et cetera ad nauseam.

People are creatures of habit, and basic human nature dictates that people will typically be uncomfortable with change. Resistance to implementing any new initiative is natural and expected, however, with proper (1) Recognition, (2) Understanding, and (3) Education, resistance can be overcome and change can succeed.