Struggling With Organizational Change?
I was enjoying a fine cigar with an old friend a number of years ago when the discussion turned to organizational change. I asked my friend, whose opinion I greatly respect, “How do I begin to steer a company in a new direction that is so transformational it is sure to meet a heavy dose of resistance, skepticism and attitude?” He said “You have to change the culture; and that is no small task.” He went on to say “Steve, did I ever tell you my definition of insanity? Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” As he has a talent for, my good friend had distilled a very complex issue down to a single, critical point; organizational change. As the evening wound down and we began to go our separate ways, I said “Good talk Bert, by the way, how’s that relativity thing going you’ve been working on?”
Read the whole chapter in the Quality 101 Handbook