Steve’s Particular Set of Skills

TakenOne of the most important decisions a company can make is the selection of the person that will be lead the quality organization. This person will most likely be the face of the company with customers, suppliers, and your ISO registrar as the organization’s ISO Management Representative. To differentiate yourself as a world-class organization, the skill set of your senior quality professional must go way beyond the requisite technical competencies called for in the job description.

In this blog, “What I will be sharing with you are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that will make you a nightmare for any auditor looking to slap you with numerous findings.” A person with this skill set will be able to elevate your organization from the middle of the pack to the rare air of the exceptional.

As a side note, after seeing his 2008 blockbuster movie Taken, I called my friend Liam Neeson and gave him hell for stealing my skill set quote for his character!

Steve’s Particular Set of Skills

•          Charismatic leader

•          Politically savvy

•          Sense of humor and the knack to know when to use it appropriately

•          Practical business sense

•          Marketing mindset

•          Innate understanding of human nature

•          Ability to convert “tribal knowledge” into a sustainable system

•          Personality that fosters trust and confidence

•          Ability to motivate a workforce

•          Cost/benefit mentality

•          Capacity to remain calm under extreme pressure

•          Big picture vision

•          Motivational skill that inspires the best from others

•          Lean approach to continuous improvement

•          Talent to identify drivers of operational improvement