Leadership is not for sissies

Continuing on with the AS9100D “shall series”…

5.0 Leadership

Top management shall demonstrate leadership and commitment with respect to the quality management system through:LeadershipQuote

Customer Focus         

Top management shall demonstrate leadership and commitment with respect to customer focus

The Quality Policy

Top management shall establish, implement, and maintain a quality policy

The quality policy shall be available, communicated & understood throughout the organization

Organizational Roles, Responsibilities, and Authorities

Top management shall ensure that the responsibilities and authorities for relevant roles are assigned, communicated, and understood within the organization.

Top management shall assign the responsibility and authority for each of the processes in the QMS

Top management shall appoint a management representative, who shall have the

The management representative shall have the organizational freedom and unrestricted access to top management to resolve quality management issues.

Plain English Translation

Leadership is all about Top Management’s commitment to focus the organization on both the QMS and the customer. This is done through the Quality Policy and the expectation that every employee not only knows the policy, but understands their contribution to it. AS9100 has retained the requirement for a single management representative to be responsible for the QMS oversight, while ISO has dropped it in favor of top management collectively fulfilling this responsibility,

Contact me to see how I can help you develop your Leadership process for ISO 2015 or AS9100 2016 as painlessly as possible in your company.

