I am excited to announce the launch of a fresh new website for The Right Approach Consulting (TRAC) that I hope you will like www.tracQMS.com. Check out my QMS page to see my Certification Guarantee and learn what a difference a TRAC QMS can make to your company.

Sign up for the TRAC QMS Blog and download my books and articles from the Resources page. The Testimonials page will show you what my customers are saying about my work

Then take advantage of the free 30-minute QMS consultation and let’s get started on improving your system.

A special shout-out to Candy Phelps and her team of creative geniuses at BizzyBizzy website design!





The Right Approach Consulting

August 16, 2018

Milwaukee, WI

HT Pho-Tronics receives AS9100D 2016 Certification

I am proud to announce that client HT Pho-Tronics has received certification to AS9100D 2016 from registrar SAI Global. The company was faced with an extremely challenging timeline, but the management team along with every single company employee worked flawlessly together to accomplish this milestone in this record-setting implementation. A heartfelt congrats to all!

About HT Pho-Tronics

Pho-Tronics founded in 1962 as a privately-held family owned and operated business and has recently been acquired into the HT Global Circuits family of printed circuit board factories. HT Pho-Tronics has been manufacturing high-reliability, complex printed circuit boards for over 50 years in Milwaukee, Wisconsin for the aerospace, military. Industrial and commercial industries. Their 60,000 sq. ft. facility was constructed in 1980 for the specific purpose of manufacturing cost effective printed circuit boards. Product excellence Is achieved through a dedication to continuous process improvement through lean manufacturing principles, SPC and advanced root cause analysis.

For more information go to https://pho-tronics.com


Contact TRAC

Contact me for all of your QMS needs.

