What Designers Need to Know about PCB Fab

One of the biggest issues in our industry is the lack of understanding by designers of the printed circuit board manufacturing process. My colleague Mark Thompson of Prototron Circuits published an article recently with the above title that I urge every PCB designer to read, or read again right here http://www.iconnect007.com/index.php/article/110975/mark-thompson-what-designers-need-to-know-about-fab/110978/?skin=design#110975.

In the article, Mark discusses many of the most frequent questions asked by designers when launching a new design with a PCB fabricator. This is a great, quick read that will provide some insight into issues that can delay a quote or impact manufacturability.

It is a sufficient teaser to Mark’s new book set to launch later this month titled: The Printed Circuit Board Designer’s Guide to Producing the Perfect Data Package. Download your copy as soon as it’s available!

